Flow cytometry measures and analyzes the characteristics of single particles, normally cells, as they move in a stream and are passed through a laser. Thousands of cells can be analyzed by a flow cytometer in a single second. Among the measurements derived from flow cytometry are the size, relative fluorescence and complexity of the particle.
Please read below to learn more about the services offered on our Jupiter, Florida campus.

Normal operating hours: 8:00 am – 4:00 pm ET, M-F
End-user access available 24/7 after training.
Flow cytometry measures phenotypic, biochemical and molecular characteristics of individual cells or particles suspended in a fluid stream. The cells flow single file past focused laser beams and light scatter or fluorescence data is collected. Tens of thousands of cells can be interrogated by a flow cytometer in a single second. Flow cytometry can be used for a variety of applications, most commonly including cell analysis or high speed cell sorting. The Flow Cytometry Core (FCC) on the Jupiter, Florida campus of UF Scripps Biomedical Research serves the campus community as well as researchers from outside UF Scripps Biomedical Research on a fee-for-service basis.
Technologies Available:
Cell Sorting
- ARIA III: violet, blue, green and red lasers
- ARIA FUSION: violet, blue, green and red lasers
Cell Analysis
- Symphony : ultra-violet 349 nm, violet 405 nm, blue 488 nm, yellow-green 561 nm, and red 637 nm lasers
- Aurora: Ultra-violet 355 nm, violet 405 nm, blue 488 nm, yellow-green 561 nm, and red 640 nm lasers
- LSR II: ultra-violet 355 nm, violet 405 nm, blue 488 nm, yellow-green 561 nm, and red 633 nm lasers (Currently the violet laser is not performing to specs)
- ImageStream MKII: violet 405nm, blue 488nm, yellow-green 561nm, red 642nm, and side scatter 785nm lasers
Laser Microdissection and Fluorescence Imaging
- LEICA LMD 7000
Panel Design
The Flow cytometry cores at the Jupiter and Gainesville campuses are now offering the EasyPanel tool for users to design complex flow cytometry experiments. The instrument configurations from our core are set up and can be found on the design tool menu (Our Instruments have a label of “SCRIPPS” to easily identify them). Easy Panel applies key principles of panel design to achieve the smallest complexity and similarity index scores. Users can define antigens expression levels and co-expression to optimize their panels further. Any user can access and use this very powerful tool with their UFL.EDU Credentials. Panel Design, Reimagined!
EasyPanel Website (Create an account with your UFL Credentials)
Our core instruments have been setup in the FluoroFinder Dashboard.
Cell Sorting
FCC facility staff will perform all sorting on the BD FACSAriaâ„¢ III and BD FACSAriaâ„¢ Fusion. All new users are required to have an initial consultation with facility staff prior to use of the cell sorter, and all users are required to fill out a sort request form prior to each experiment. If necessary, biocontainment and biosafety concerns must be addressed by the UF Scripps Biomedical Research Biosafety Office.
A discussion on sample preparation, appropriate buffer conditions, collection tubes, instrument controls, experimental controls, etc., will be part of the initial consult required for first time users.
TSRI (La Jolla) Flow Cytometry Core Sorting Buffer
Sorting on the BD FACSAriaâ„¢ III
The BD FACSAriaâ„¢ III is a four-laser system configuration. The FACSAriaâ„¢ III uses a 488 nm (blue), 561 nm (yellow-green), 633 nm (red) and a 407 nm (violet) laser system. Sorting is available using up to sixteen fluorescence parameters as well as light scatter discrimination (cell size, organelle composition and density, and doublet discrimination). Applications include high speed, four-way cell sorting, cell purification, slide sorting and cell cloning (by automated deposition into 6, 12, 24, 48, 96 well plates). Default and optional configurations for different fluorescence parameters and combinations can be viewed here.
iLab Sort Request Form (Requires Login)
Sorting on the BD FACSAriaâ„¢ Fusion
The BD FACSAriaâ„¢ Fusion is a four-laser system configuration. The FACSAriaâ„¢ Fusion uses a 488 nm (blue), 561 nm (yellow-green), 640 nm (red) and a 405 nm (violet) laser system. Sorting is available using up to sixteen fluorescence parameters as well as light scatter discrimination (cell size, organelle composition and density, and doublet discrimination). Applications include high speed, four-way cell sorting, cell purification, slide sorting and cell cloning (by automated deposition into 6, 12, 24, 48, 96 well plates). The FACSAriaâ„¢ Fusion is enclosed in a ClassII Type A2 Baker biosafety cabinet consistent with BSL2 containment.
Fusion Instrument Configuration
iLab Sort Request Form (Requires Login)
Analytical Cytometry
Analytical applications include immuno-phenotyping, cell cycle analysis (DNA content, BrdU or EdU) and calcium flux (ratiometric imaging), among others. Additional modalities (FRET, intracellular organelle staining, etc.) can be developed in response to need; please talk to us about your specific application.
The Core provides 4 different analyzers for use: a five-laser BD Symphony (Coming Soon), a five-laser Cytek Aurora, a five-laser BD LSR II and a four-laser Luminex ImageStream. Facility staff can assist users in deciding which analyzer is best for their given applications. Cost recovery is based on laser configuration (more lasers = higher cost; see Pricing).
Services are provided on two levels:
- End-user analysis: Training is available and is encouraged for routine users. Facility staff must authorize each new user, even if they have previously trained at other institutions.
- Operation by facility staff: For infrequent users, it may not be useful to learn the software and hardware principles. Consequently, facility staff may provide assistance (at standard charge-back rates) for these users, based on staff availability.
- -To request an operator-assisted analysis please use the Analysis Request Form.
All independent users are expected to follow all startup/shutdown procedures as well as Core Facility rules.
BD FACSymphony A3 with BD High Throughput Sampler
The five-laser BD Symphony has arrived and is ready for use. The software and operation are similar to the LSRII, but there are some differences so please review the SOPs which are now at the instrument. Please let us know if you have any questions or if you need any training updates.
Cytek Aurora
The Cytek Aurora is a five laser, 64 detector, full spectrum analyzer capable of analyzing panels of 40 colors or more. It features the ability to load individual tubes, a tube rack, and 96 well plate reading options. It’s unique design allows for the storage of individual single color controls for continued use up to 1 month after their initial recording as long as the instrument is QCing well.
Nail Your Unmixing for Full Spectrum Flow Cytometry: 7 Top Tips (This link also has some very nice tips for your traditional Flow Cytometry Single-Color Controls)
Cytek Luminex ImageStream MkII
The Luminex ImageStream MkII imaging flow cytometer utilizes a 20x, 40x or 60x objectives to capture images from its five-laser configuration (violet 405nm, blue 488nm, yellow-green 561nm, red 642nm, and side scatter 785nm lasers). Analysis of up to twelve parameters is possible, which may include or exclude side scatter discrimination.
ImageStream Instrument Configuration and Standard Fluorochromes
BD LSR II (Satellite Location in Building A – Room A142)
Please contact Core Staff for Access to this room as you will need a code for the door and there is a form that you need to complete and return to the core before you are granted access.
The BD LSR II is a five-laser configuration (UV 355 nm, violet 407 nm, blue 488 nm, yellow-green 561 nm and red 640 nm lasers). Analysis of up to eighteen fluorescence parameters is possible, as well as visible light scatter discrimination for cell size, organelle composition or density, and doublet discrimination. The LSR II also features a High Throughout Sampler (HTS) for a fully automated sample acquisition. The HTS is compatible with 96- and 384-well plate formats.
LSR II Instrument Configuration and Standard Fluorochromes
BD LSR II iLab Calendar (Building A)
Data Analysis
The Core offers access for FlowJo software for post-acquisition analysis, on-site or off-site. Both offers several additional analytical features that are not available within the acquisition software installed on the instruments.
Users requiring frequent use of FlowJo software may purchase a FlowJo portal license which you can request from the UF ICBR Core Facility in Gainesville. Check https://ufl.corefacilities.org/ to purchase individual site licenses for either software package. (See instructions here)
If you require a full, independent FlowJo license, please contact TreeStar Software at flowjo.com
Users who do not require frequent use of FlowJo software may borrow a USB dongle license from the Core for 24hrs only at no charge. There is a $50 charge per day for additional days, if the dongle is not returned within 24hrs. Loss of the dongle will obligate the user to purchase a replacement. Don’t lose the dongle!!!
The core also has a FloJo license that we can use to log in for data analysis for free on the core’s user workstation.
Please contact us if you have any questions or concerns.
SpectroFlo Offline
If you don’t have time to complete all of your data analysis and unmixing at the Cytek® Aurora workstation, no problem – we now have access to a SpectroFlo USB dongle that will allow you to take SpectroFlo away from the lab to your analysis workstation at home or in the office. Please send us an email at SCRPS-FlowCore1@mail.ufl.edu if you are interested and we can get you setup.
Users may borrow a USB dongle license from the Core for 24hrs only at no charge. There is a $50 charge per day for additional days, if the dongle is not returned within 24hrs. Loss of the dongle will obligate the user to purchase a replacement. Don’t lose the dongle!!!
The Core offers free access to IDEAS 6.2 for analyzing raw image files acquired on the ImageStream MKII. Email the flow core staff to obtain your own license or for larger files, the software is available for use on the core’s user workstation.
Microdissection and Imaging
Laser Capture Microdissection
The Leica LMD 7000 laser capture microdissection microscope has 4X, 6.3X, 10X, 20X, 40X, and 63x objectives, automated motorized scanning and positioning, and remote stylus operated input. The microscope is also capable of cutting on any single fluorescence parameter representing commonly used fluorochromes and reporters (CFP, GFP, mCherry, etc).
Laser capture microdissection allows for the precise and contamination-free isolation of specific areas of tissue from single cells, cell groups, or tissue regions. Dissected material is deposited into microfuge tubes for DNA, RNA, or protein recovery. The dissected material is then directly accessible for further analysis.
Fluorescence Imaging
The Leica LMD 7000 microscope has 4X, 6.3X, 10X, 20X, 40X air, 63X, and 40X oil objectives and is fitted with a DFC7000 GT monochromatic camera to image fluorescent parameters emitting in the Red, Green, and Blue channels. The latest software platform, Leica Application Suite (LAS-X), is an intuitive user interface to obtain quality fluorescence images.
Luminex ImageStream MkII
The Luminex ImageStream MkII imaging flow cytometer utilizes a 20x, 40x or 60x objectives to capture images from its five-laser configuration (violet 405nm, blue 488nm, yellow-green 561nm, red 642nm, and side scatter 785nm lasers). Analysis of up to twelve parameters is possible, which may include or exclude side scatter discrimination.
ImageStream Instrument Configuration and Standard Fluorochromes
Hemavet 950 FS
The Hemavet 950 FS is an animal blood cell counter and differential analyzer. The Hemavet allows for a fast and complete five-part white blood cell differential, red blood cell analysis and platelet analysis. The Hemavet is fully automated and simple to operate. Whole blood analysis is available for mouse and rat blood specimens with as little as 30 ul. Tissue culture counting is also available.
* This unit is currently in long-term storage but can be reinstalled per request
The Flow Cytometry Core uses an online calendar system (iLab) that offers integrated solutions for scheduling and billing. You will be required to login to view the schedules and update reservations:
iLab Flow Core Equipment Page (Use this link to create or change a reservation)
iLab Reservation Viewer (Use this link to view equipment reservations for all instruments)
The following links will bring you directly to the calendar for the current week. If you are logged in, you can edit, or add reservations. These can also be used to view the calendar as a read-only format.
Sorter Calendar Links are listed below:
Reserving time on the Cell Sorter
Scheduling Policy: The final schedule is issued each Monday for the second following week. While FCC staff will make every effort to accommodate all requests, please note that submission of a request does not guarantee the requested date and time, since we may have multiple requests for the same time slots. In the event such a conflict, FCC staff will contact the involved parties to try to accommodate all parties. If this is not possible, FCC staff will prioritize the requests based on special circumstances and/or the relative amount of recent usage by the requesting individual and/or his/her lab. Once sort requests are approved, an email confirmation will be sent, confirming the date and time. For time sensitive experiments, we recommend that you do not start your procedure until an appointment is confirmed.
Once the weekly schedule has been posted on Monday, all remaining unassigned time is open for booking on a first-come, first-served basis.
Note that a biosafety assessment must be conducted for each new type of sort request.
After-hours Sorting: The Flow Core recognizes a need for cell sorting experiments which fall outside of business hours due to special circumstances. To better facilitate these experiments, the Flow Core will accommodate cell sorting until 7:30pm, Monday through Thursday. Special circumstances which may warrant this accommodation include:
- Late receipt of live samples from external sources which require immediate processing.
- Exceedingly long sample preparation methods that must begin in the wee hours of the day.
- All other special accommodations should be communicated to the Flow Core.
Special circumstance requests should be submitted via the sort request form with a minimum of one week notice. Sort requests received with less than one week notice will be accommodated dependent on operator availability at their sole discretion.
Delays or changes: Please note that we cannot delay the appointments of others if you are late for your sort. If no one is scheduled, late sorts or additional sort time will be accommodated within the normal operating hours of the facility. You must notify the Flow Core by email SCRPS-FlowCore1@mail.ufl.edu as soon as possible if there are any changes to the biosafety background information and/or the cell sorting details (ie. sample number, cell number, staining panel).
Reserving time on the Analyzers
- If you are not an authorized user, please contact the FCC at SCRPS-FlowCore1@mail.ufl.edu for scheduling and/or training.
- Independent users are required to follow all startup and shutdown procedures at all times.
- During peak hours, 9am-6pm, authorized users may schedule a maximum continuous block of 3 hours in advance. If the instrument is not booked by another user at the time of use, the user may continue operation.
- During peak hours, 9am-6pm, users may schedule more than one appointment per day with a minimum of 3 hours between appointments. Exceptions may be made for special circumstances. Please contact the FCC at SCRPS-FlowCore1@mail.ufl.edu.
- Unfortunately, users who are late to their scheduled appointment cannot assume they will get more time. Please keep in mind your appointment may be cut short if there are other users scheduled. If users need more time, the user may continue operation depending on availability, however, the PI will be charged for the original start time through the actual end time.
- To preserve function of the instruments, if no one is scheduled immediately after you (within 3 hours after your calendar end time), you are responsible for turning off the analyzer. Failure to comply will result in billing for the entire time that the instrument is left on and unattended. Users will also be billed at operator assisted rates for any additional time necessary to restore instrument to proper working order.
- Modifications can be made to your reservation up until 1 minute prior to the scheduled start time.
- Cancellations should be deleted from the calendar but are subject to a 24 hour cancellation policy. All cancellations made more than 24 hours prior to the appointment start time will not be charged. Cancellations made within 24 hours from the start time will be billed for 1/2 the original reservation time. All no shows will be billed the full reservation time. All users will get 2 grace cancellations per person, per year, with email sent to SCRPS-FlowCore1@mail.ufl.edu.
- If a cancellation is made, ensure the instrument was not left on for you and if so, you are responsible for turning it off. Failure to comply will result in billing for the entire time that the instrument is left on and unattended.
- Users are responsible for exporting their data onto their own hard drive upon finishing experiments. Experiments older than 30 days will be periodically deleted from browser software without notice to the user.
- No files should be stored on the computer’s C: or D: hard drive. Any files found on the computer hard drive will be deleted immediately without notice.
Reserving time on the Leica LMD 7000 or ImageStream MKII
Authorized users may schedule their own time.
If you are not an authorized user, please contact the FCC at SCRPS-FlowCore1@mail.ufl.edu for scheduling and/or training.
Reserving time on the Hemavet
Contact the flow core staff for use of the hemavet.
Pricing (Effective July 1, 2023)
The hourly rate is the same for all users, within or outside of UF Scripps, from academia or industry. However, payments from funding sources for which indirect costs have not already been paid to UF Scripps will incur an additional fee for overhead cost recovery, currently 93.2% for academic users (inside or outside of UF Scripps) and 99% for non-academic use.
There is a minimum charge of 1 hour for the cell sorters, but there are no other setup charges, regardless of configuration. Cancellations more than 48 hours before the scheduled sort time will not be charged. Cancellations 24-48 hours in advance will be charged for one hour of time, and cancellations 0-24 hours in advance will be charged for 50% of the time reserved but minimum 1hr. Late shows or no shows incur the full charge for time reserved.
Charges for all instruments (except the Hemavet) are determined by the time used or reserved, whichever is greater. We therefore encourage you to carefully consider how much time you reserve/request. Reservations on the analyzers are limited to a maximum of three contiguous hours. If you need assistance in determining how much time you need, please contact us.
- ARIA3 Cell Sorter: $67/hour (operator assisted)
- Fusion Cell Sorter: $67/hour (operator assisted)
- LSR2 Analytical Cytometer: $67/hour (operator assisted) $50/hour (user operated)
- Aurora Analytical Cytometer: $67/hour (operator assisted) $55/hour (user operated)
- ImageStream MkII Imaging Cytometer: $60/hour (operator assisted) $45/hour (user operated)
- Symphony A3 Analytical Cytometer: $67/hour (operator assisted) $55/hour (user operated)
- Leica LMD 7000 (microdissection and imaging): $60/hour (operator assisted) $40/hour (user operated)
- Hemavet 950 FS: $5/sample
- BD 12x75mm tube with cell strainer cap (25 tubes/bag): $32.00/bag
- Sorter Sample Line Replacement Cost: $367 (If samples are known to cause clogging of the line much faster than the standard amount of time as suggested by the manufacturer)
Cytometry Information
Flow Cytometry Basics Guide: Practical Advice to Get You Started in Flow Cytometry
Protocols.io Wertheim UF Scripps Flow Cytometry Core Site
Users with Questions or Concerns should contact us using this link SCRPS-FlowCore1@mail.ufl.edu