It was a rigorous and intensive summer of learning for the 15 Palm Beach County high school students selected to be Kenan fellows at The Herbert Wertheim UF Scripps Institute for Biomedical Innovation & Technology. It began in June with a one-week introductory course at the Palm Beach State College Biotechnology Program. Then, for the next eight weeks, the students worked side-by-side with scientists breaking new ground in neuroscience, chemistry, microbiology and virology.
The internship culminated in August with formal presentations followed by a luncheon that allowed students and mentors to meet the supporters who have made the program possible. See a gallery of photos, below.
The high school internship program exists thanks to the generosity of the William R. Kenan Charitable Trust. Their continuous, generous support has totaled $3.5 million since 2005, and enabled more than 200 high school students and 25 teachers in Palm Beach County to explore biomedical research. This year, the Glenn W. Bailey Foundation generously provided matching funds to support the program’s operations as well, said Rosie Albarran Zeckler, Ph.D., manager of academic support services for the institute.
“Prior alums have found that this program was fundamental in choosing a science major and securing other research opportunities,” she said. “We need a strong STEM workforce, considering how complex our world has become.”
Photo Gallery
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